Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Balabusta or Bust

My mother worked part-time while I was growing up. She was home to meet me when I got home from school when I was young. Friday night Shabbat dinner always included chicken soup.

I, on the other hand, work 40 hours a week, which means I'm actually out of the house 50 when you include the commute. My husband, H., stays home with our 4 year old son, E., and creates fabulous dinners for Shabbat and several nights during the week.

The house is always a mess. Every morning my son asks me, "Do you have to go work this day?" and 5 out of 7 days a week I have to disappoint him.

I would love to be Shomer Shabbos, but just can't seem to get organized enough to do it. And yet, I dream of being the kind of Balabusta that my mother and grandmother were.

I've subscribed to Flylady and joined Yahoo groups for Jewish woman hoping to hear how other women in my situation manage their homes and families, but no one I read about seems to be in the same situation. I've googled "jewish breadwinner wife of stay-at-home-dad" but nothing relevant comes up.

I have to believe there are other families like us out there. I'd love to hear from you!

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